Roll the eyeball

The Eyeball is an extension of your natural eye, as it literally replaces your eyes with itself.

The idea is in letting yourself explore secret places which cannot be entered with an entire body. An additional feature of the Eyeball is that it moves by rolling, such that a world it streams is rolling as well, which gives rich disorienting and mismatching effect. Hence, in order to understand streamed data user has to compensate a mismatching information by thinking and by other senses. This is a nice exercise for your brains.

In the game “Perception”, a user has to observe a hidden place and find a secret message. In our game, this message is “Hate is love” because of a word “hate” that is written on the wall, and which turns into “love” in reflection. This is exactly what happens when you look at things under new angles or their reflections. The purpose of the game is to make a person realize that if s/he changes the way to look at things, the things s/he looks at will change.

“Roll the Eyeball” is composed of several parts: Eyeball, device to control a locomotion of ball placed in one of user’s hands (smartphone with Android app running on it), device which shows streamed video fixed in front of one of the user’s eyes like a pirate band (smartphone with Android app running on it behind biconvex lens), and a secret place itself (1m x 0.8m x 1.5m box).